
Frequently Asked Questions

How do I know if my child needs therapy?2023-10-20T15:46:33+00:00

We recommend an assessment for any child having trouble functioning at home, school, or in social situations. Seek immediate treatment for all safety issues including thoughts of harming self or others and for symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger, aggression, or distress.

How long will I be in therapy?2023-10-20T15:47:05+00:00

Therapy can be very short-term or may be longer, depending on your desired outcomes. Communicating with your therapist about your progress and expectations will expedite the process.

Can I talk with a therapist before my first appointment?2023-10-20T15:47:35+00:00

New clients often wish to speak with the therapist prior to the first session. Call our offices for a brief consultation.

What can I do if I want couples counseling, but my partner refuses?2023-10-20T15:46:08+00:00

Some partners fear they will be criticized and blamed for the problems in the relationship. You may find that after starting treatment for yourself, your partner becomes more open to the process.

What can I expect from therapy at ARI?2023-10-20T15:45:43+00:00

Our therapists are affirming and empathetic, and will challenge you at times. We create a safe space where you will learn to utilize your strengths to overcome the issues you are facing.

What Payment types do you accept?2023-10-20T15:49:56+00:00

Although we are not contracted with any insurance providers, many of our clients receive partial reimbursement for their sessions by using their “out of network” insurance benefits. We will provide a superbill receipt upon payment for each session.

If you have any further questions please contact us and we will do our best to respond.

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